Now... I basically run this Blog and my You Tube channel for the sweet fun of it. There's no profit .. well apart from the predicted 30c I could of made last month on you tube!! So this giveaway is the leftovers from this collection. Cant afford to buy and post the whole collection sorry.
NOW... before you turn your nose and think that the giveaway is crap I can assure you that there is PLENTY left over including the papers you see me use and frankly most of the embellishments.
All you have to do to be in the draw to try out these products is like the you tube videos and leave a comment on a post (not all...a post) here on the Blog it doesn't even have to be anything more that a smiley face....just to let me know you visited :) even from afar!
In return you could receive this
#I will announce the recipient at the beginning of the 7th Video in the series. Until then happy creating :)