Firstly Keryn Nell Powell If you are out there please flick me an email as I don't have yours ;)
A Lovely Saturday morning here in the city of Hobart- So far so good as it has been terribly rainy and unpleasant the last few days. I have been looking at ways to save a few dollars lately and also to get myself organised. I have been watching lots of DIY get organised videos and have been decluttering my house which has been good for the soul. Its amazing how much better you feel when you
1. Donate
2, Can find things
3. See everything tidy
The decluttering has included cleaning up files on the computer as well..I had something like 1000 emails and most of those were from distant relatives living abroad that needed cash and I wondered why they didnt find our other distant relatives that had a huge inheritance that they were dying to give away...problem solved!! LOL
Anyway I picked up this idea from the frugal crafter and thought I would give it a go and a share :)