

Weekly Update

Hi Hope you are having a great week so far! This week I have managed to draft a few books for uplaod to KDP and have another video coming out on Saturday so stay tuned for that one on YouTube. Its really exciting sharing my journey self-publishing on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Thanks so much for coming along for the ride and all your comments and questions to date.

So, let's rewind a bit. When I first heard about KDP, I was like, "Wait, I can publish my own books and sell them on Amazon? Sign me up!" But then reality hit, and I was like, "Okay, but how the heck do I even do this?" Sound familiar? Not being one to back down from a challenge and also a very strong desire to take some control over my future I delved in in February 2023.

But here's the thing – self-publishing isn't just about uploading your book and crossing your fingers. It has been a big learning curve and I couldnt find a lot of help out there in the cyberspace world so that's why I decided to start this video series to share my journey with you guys and hopefully help out.

From formatting my manuscripts to designing book covers and figuring out all the technical stuff, there were times when I felt like throwing in the towel. But I'm not one to give up easily. With a little help from YouTube tutorials and some trial and error (okay, maybe a lot of error), I finally started to get the hang of it.

And you know what? Seeing my books come to life on Amazon was seriously the coolest feeling ever. Like, there's something magical about knowing that people out there may get some enjoyment out of your creations.

So lets rock it on KDP!!! – from formatting tips to marketing hacks and everything in between. And yeah, I'll totally show off some of my own books along the way, not because I'm trying to sell you something, but because I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and I want to inspire you to chase your own dreams. I have included links to my books on the main menu of this blog should you wish to help me out as I get started.

Make sure you sign up for the newsletter while you are here. In all honesty you will receive 1 maybe two a month highligting new videos, tutorials and a tip or technique or two.


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